The editorial Board of the journal has decided to publish an special issue on Data Mining and Knowledge Management

in Honor of

Maggie M. Wang

Invitation for the article 

Data mining and knowledge discovery in databases have been attracting a significant amount of research, industry, and media attention of late. There is an urgent need for a new generation of computational theories and tools to assist researchers in extracting useful information from the rapidly growing volumes of digital data. 

This Journal provides a forum for researchers who address this issue and to present their work in a peer-reviewed open access forum. Authors are solicited to contribute to the Journal by submitting articles that illustrate research results, projects, surveying works and industrial experiences that describe significant advances in the following areas, but are not limited to these topics only.

Parallel and Distributed Data Mining Algorithms, Data Streams Mining, Graph Mining, Spatial Data Mining, Text video, Multimedia Data Mining, Web Mining,Pre-Processing Techniques, Visualization, Security and Information Hiding in Data Mining


The date for Submitting the Draft for the article: 15th June, 2019

The revised Draft date after modifications: 15th July 2019

Date of Publications : 01st October 2019