Instructions to Authors
- Authors are requested to submit their articles via Online Submission System. The article submitted in any other format will be not consider for the publication in the journal.
- Paper & Abstract Submissions: International Journal of Engineering, Contemporary Mathematics and Sciences is an peer reviewed international journal that publishes original research papers in all fields of excellent theoretical and applied research in all present and future era Engineering, Computing, Contemporary Mathematics and Sciences regulations. From basic research to application development in all the fields of studies of below mentioned regulations is the broad range of IJECMS. The IJECMS are excellent, intellectual, peer reviewed combination of journals that take a scholarly approach in creating, developing, integrating, sharing and applying knowledge about all the fields of study in Engineering, Mathematics, Computing and Sciences for the benefit of humanity and the profession. It provides rapid publications and a forum to the academics, scholars and advanced level students for exchanging significant information and productive ideas associated with all these disciplines. Papers published in IJECMS take an intellectual approach to knowledge, wisdom, training and learning. They establish a clear connection to student learning, and appeal to a wide range of audience interested in Engineering, Computing education and Sciences. The teachers, researchers, instructors, curriculum designers, and administrators are the key beneficial of IJECMS.
- Manuscripts should be clearly typed in double space (one side) on quarter size (A-4 in Europe) paper with 1.5’’ wide margin on the left and 0.5 on the right. Professionally drawn graphs and diagrams in black and white must be provided wherever necessary alongwith the manuscript.
- The manuscript should be accompanied by the Author’s declaration stating that it is being dispatched for exclusive consideration by the Journal and has not been sent elsewhere for publication.
- No manuscript should ordinarily exceed 24 typed pages, including graphs, tables and appendixes.
- The cover page of the manuscript should contain the Title of the Paper, Author’s name, mailing address, professional affiliation (if different from the mailing address) and acknowledgments. The first page of the Paper must also provide the Title of the Paper, but it should not give the Author’s name or address.
- Every manuscript must include not more than 500 words, Abstract typed on a separate page.
- All notes must be serially numbered. These may be given at the end of the Paper or on every page as endnotes.
- Complete references should be given separately at the end of the Paper and arranged alphabetically as, Tobin, J. (1958): Liquidity Preference as Behavior Towards Risk, Review of Economic Studies, Vol.25, pp.65-86.
Tobin: J. (1971): Essays in Economics, Vol. 1, Macroeconomics, Amsterdam: North Holland.
Giejier Herbert, ( 1970): Pridictive World Models, in Callete Bujrez and Etienne Sadi Krischen, eds, Magrates, A World Income and Trade Model for 1975, pp. 3-16, Amsterdam: North Holland.
References in the text and in the notes or footnotes should simply give the name of the Authour and the year of publication quoted , e.g. Theil, ( 1970). Page numbers too may be given wherever necessary e.g., Hicks, (1974) : pp. 15-23. - The Author (s) will be given one copy of the concerned Issue, free of charge.
- Contributors, who wish to receive back manuscripts, which are not approved by the Editorial Board, are advised to enclose postage stamps of appropriate value to enable us to return the manuscripts. Manuscripts ordinarily are retained by the Journal. The contents of this Journal are copyright, and permission must be obtained in writing for quoting paraphrasing more than 600 words from any one Article. Every quotation must contain acknowledgment of its source.